Getting Published in Magazines

As a freelancer, some of the best income you can earn is by writing for magazines. To begin this process, you’ll want to get yourself a copy of the current year’s Writer’s Market and look for paying markets in the areas which you’d like to […]

Working with Freelance Auction Sites

If you are just starting out as a freelance writer, you may be interested in filling up some of your time with work from freelance auction sites like Odesk and Website owners in need of content go to these sites to find writers, editors […]

How Do You Write About Topics You Know Nothing About?

Quite often new writers are given the advice, “write what you know.” As a freelance writer, this doesn’t always work. While you can easily follow that advice when writing for revenue sharing content sites, when a client needs an article on a specific subject that you have only the vaguest knowledge of or interest in, you don’t want to turn them away. And if you know how and where to research, you don’t have to.

Treat Freelance Writing Like a Serious Business

If you plan on making a living from your writing, or significantly increasing your family’s income, you are going to need to treat your writing like a business rather than a hobby. Your work area and schedule should reflect your attitude toward your new work.

Is Freelance Writing for You?

If you are looking for a flexible way to earn money from home, freelance writing may be the career path for you. Find out what you need to know to get started here.