Homeschooling Today® magazine, published four times per year, is one of the most comprehensive home education magazines available, with a special focus on literature, fine arts and usable resources. Our goal is to encourage the hearts of homeschoolers and give them tools to instill a love of learning in their children.
Site URL: http://homeschoolingtoday.com/
In addition to feature articles (900-1200 words), we accept submissions for the following departments:
• Faces of Homeschooling (true stories about real homeschooling families) – 600–900 words
• The Home Team (physical education) – 600–900 words
• Homeschooling around the World – 600–900 words
• Language Learning (foreign languages) – 600–900 words
• Thinking (logic, critical thinking) – 600–900 words
• Unit Study – 800–1500 words
• Family Math – 600–900 words
Payment is ten cents per published word for original, unpublished works in print publications.
We acquire first North American serial rights and nonexclusive electronic and reprint
rights for previously unpublished work. The author retains the copyright to his own work
to use it for personal purposes (author’s websites, future publications, and so forth).
We do not accept queries or reprints at this time. We accept unsolicited articles submitted as a Word or Pages document attached in e-mail (editor@homeschoolingtoday.com).