Middlebury Magazine is a periodical dedicated to communicating the high level of academic and cultural achievement at Middlebury College; the accomplishments of its outstanding alumni; and the intellectual, cultural, and social life on campus.
The magazine is mailed to nearly 50,000 people in all 50 states and more than 30 countries around the world. Undergraduate alums, graduate school degree holders, recent graduate school attendees, parents of undergraduates, faculty, staff, and friends of the College all receive the magazine on a quarterly basis. – See more at: http://sites.middlebury.edu/middmag/about-2/frequently-asked-questions/#sthash.F7tBBy3V.dpuf
The magazine highlights faculty scholarship and teaching; reports on student academic, artistic, and athletic accomplishment; and illuminates the professional and personal lives of Middlebury alumni. Through visuals and prose, the magazine communicates the natural beauty of the College and Vermont.
Site URL: http://sites.middlebury.edu/middmag/
We like stories that have central characters and that tell us something we don’t know. Substance is good; so are stories that make us care about the subject matter. Controversy and humor have their place in this magazine, as well, and there needs to be a Middlebury hook.
Payment made upon acceptance.
Middlebury Magazine buys first serial and electronic rights.
When pitching feature or department stories, Middlebury Magazine prefers that you submit a detailed query letter along with published clips to midmag@middlebury.edu. For the back page essay, it’s appropriate to submit a completed manuscript in Word or RTF format.